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  • Writer's picturelivingbyfaith

How to lose 1-2 pounds a week

Watch your fruit intake

I have been on my weight lost journey for three months now. I have learned so much or what works for me and what does not work for me. I have lost a total of 18 pounds so far. One of the mistakes I made at the beginning of my journey I ate tons of fruits so much fruit that I gain a pound. Everyone's body handles food a different way, I decided that it was best for me to cut back on my fruit and I have not gain any weight.

Watch your carbs

I found out that cutting my carbs down, has helped me lose weight. I eat no to little carbs for breakfast. My breakfast is usually eggs and a meat like bacon or sausage. Eating carbs right off the bat in the morning makes it harder for me to workout and lose the weight I want to. I still eat pasta just not as much as I did. I eat pasta one to two times a month. I gave up the bread I use to eat, there is low carb bread out there. There is a lot of recipe ideas if you are into meal planning. Egg muffins are really good and you can put anything in them. They are super easy to make. Meal planning just does not work for me. I have a plan in my head what I usually eat but making it head of time just has not worked. If you are more likely to just grab anything and eat it or you simply just do not have time to make your breakfast or lunch each day then I would definitely recommend giving meal planning a try.

Now on to lunch, for lunch I usually do a salad. I grill a piece of chicken, add some tomatoes and some cheese then I use my low fat ranch. If I want some carbs I will have them at lunch time. I have learned that my body handles it better at this time frame. My dinner I am still doing what my family eats. I usually eat the meat and vegetables from the dinner meals. I have learned the green leafy vegetables are low in carbs, I eat a lot of green leafy vegetables.

I like to do HIIT workouts better then other workouts, they help you burn more calories instead of wasting hours in a gym that I do not have time for. I was not sure about the whole detoxing thing, but I decided to give it a try. It really helped jump start my weight lost. I decided to use a wrap from It Works. It really helped tune, tighten, and detoxed. I would definitely recommend detoxing, it will give you a jump start to your weight lost journey.

Do not stress over losing weight, as long as I do not gain I am fine with not losing. If you have a cheat day it is fine, do not beat yourself up over it just start fresh the next day. My next blog will be on some health recipes. If you have any questions about weight lost feel free to comment below with questions.



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