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  • Writer's picturelivingbyfaith

Why we homeschool

Updated: Jan 22, 2019

We started homeschooling three years ago, public school was just not working for us. We did not like how they teaching when she started first grade. There is just some things in life that should be up to the parent to teach their child when they are ready to. We knew it was time for a change, we decide to homeschool. I did lot of research on homeschooling programs, which ones were the best fit and ones that was not. I wanted freedom to pick what hours we do homeschooling and not to be told my child needed to be on the computer at a certain time for a class. I came across a program that was online, it kept, track of her work and grades. My daughter loved the program until this fall, she just lost interest in it. It was a straggle to get her to do her school work, then when she did it would take four to five hours to finish her work. It was time to make another change, to start researching programs again, to find a fit that works for us again.

One night my fiancé was looking at pureflix tv, just happen to have an ad on their website about an homeschooling program. I just had to check it out, the more I checked it out, the more I loved it. Both of my children could use this program on one account, hmmm means we will not have to pay two different homeschooling accounts. This program will give my kids more freedom to pick what they would like to learn, and it offer a lot more then our last program. We have been using it for a few weeks now. My daughter likes it a lot better, she can finish her school work within two hours, which frees up time for art, music, bible, cooking, and more fun.

Somethings I wish I knew before I started homeschooling, it is okay let your children pick some of the things they want to learn, learning life lessons are just important in reading, math and history, make it fun, your child does not have to have their noise in a book or computer to learn, homeschooling does not have to take up half the day. I like to give 30 minutes for each subject then do hands on things. You rule homeschooling, homeschooling does not rule you! I found it easier to do a program as a base then I can add things or just choose not to do a lesson.

Find something that works for your family, that is fun. My next few blogs will be about some of our favorite preschool activities and lessons. Have a wonderful week.



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